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Horticulture - strong roots

The world of horticulture is all about feeding the world and going greener: sustainably producing fresh and healthy food that’s available to consumers across the globe. Our Dutch ecosystem plays a key role in achieving this.

The Netherlands is leading the way when it comes to horticulture. Our knowledge of high-tech horticultural systems and plants, combined with the innovative ability of our strong ecosystem are second to none. The sector is praised for the healthy food it produces and the entrepreneurship that is deeply rooted in the traditionally family-owned farms. However, this position as the international frontrunner is not a given for the future.

Horticulture is also having to deal with robust societal demands. Complex challenges in energy, water, space, labour, and revenue models are forcing companies and organisations to rethink their position in the overall food production system, adjust strategies and to connect with others. Here in the Netherlands as well as in strategic international positions.

Imagro helps companies and organisations within horticulture sharpen their vision and ambitions, develop the strategic route towards realising them, and execute this strategy in terms of marketing and communication. Because we are also active in the fields of Agriculture, Food and the Living Environment, we have a complete overview of the entire playing field, and so are able to make strategic connections where necessary.

With a significant amount of positive energy, we get organisations, departments and communities moving. Driven by our own sense of purpose and 30 years of experience in Agriculture, Horticulture, Food and the Living Environment, and determined to do what’s best for Dutch horticulture day in, day out.

New perspectives

At Imagro, we focus on adding value within the horticultural sector by creating new perspectives. How? By directing our efforts under the following themes:

Claiming our position as a thought leader

Dutch horticulture is making a positive impact on realising the global ambition to develop a sustainable food production system and a circular economy. With our knowledge of plants, water, energy and short supply chains, the Dutch ecosystem is able to provide innovative solutions and so make a real contribution to tackling the societal, national and international challenges we’re facing. We help businesses and organisations with their unique positioning in this international field of influence. With strategic marketing and creative content, we ensure companies touch their target audiences in their heads and in their hearts. Whether it’s about reaching for international investors or the Dutch consumer.


In order to secure a sustainable future, accelerating the sustainability of Dutch horticulture will be crucial. The sector is facing a number of major challenges, which include: pressures on space; water quality; biodiversity; energy requirements as well as new energy models and much-needed robotisation. All of this demands vision, leadership, tact and organisational strength. At Imagro, we help companies identify their long-term aim. We provide insight into real solutions by applying smart stakeholder management and valuable business strategies. We support leaders in forging a people-centred corporate culture that moves the business forward and prepares it for an era in which change is the only constant.

Community building

Collaboration and partnerships: We can tell you anything you need to know. Even though we too are convinced that’s quicker to do things yourself, we know that you get much further when you work together with others. The fragmented nature of Dutch horticulture makes it more difficult to position this rock-solid cluster of expertise and so realise the full potential of its added value. Creating and building communities that function based on a common goal is what shapes successful collaboration. Examples of such a goal include finding a quicker way to market; developing knowledge or increasing the ability to innovate.

We bring the leaders and the rest of the pack together in their collective goal, adding energy and moving businesses and organisations away from thinking in terms of costs, to focussing on value creation. Imagro helps identify the drivers in the community and carry out a context analysis, which will shape the creative strategy for community-based co-creation. Our community builders excel in their knowledge of the industry, their extensive and broad network, their entrepreneurial mindset and their ability to get the job done. 

“Strong leadership, collaboration and vision are crucial in getting the horticulture sector moving, maintaining that momentum and so safeguarding its status as an international leader.”